The 6D is an awesome camera and for those who aren’t coming from cameras with the joystick multi-controller, you probably won’t be bother as much as I am about this feature. This drove me insane to the point where I wanted to toss the 6D through a window – seriously! It’s also the reason why I personally would not buy this camera, but to be fair I’m very used to my 5D Mark III and 1D X, so I don’t need this camera and this doesn’t mean that I don’t recommend it. The reason why I hate it is that there’s not a very good tactile feel like you find on the D600’s controller and when trying to change from the outermost AF point to one of the adjacent AF points frequently would change from single point AF selection to ALL AF points selected. The absence of the picture style and rate buttons don’t bother me much, so it really boils down to the usability of the 8-way pad on the rear dial. The Canon 6D shown at the top has a 60D like design that is very similar to the 5D Mark III, but lacks the all-important joystick multi-controller (which I use heavily for changing my focus point). Up top and up front these cameras are close enough that I don’t have a strong preference or disdain for any of them. To begin, let’s just compare the backs of the cameras as that’s really where much of the most important features exist.

Which camera body is the best from an ergonomics standpoint?
What I’m sharing here are my thoughts after having these models in my hands and using them in the real world as an average consumer would use them as well as using them in the studio as a professional photographer would use them. Other sites have more scientific tables and comparisons of all of the tech data, so I’m not going to repeat that here. To answer these questions I’ll share my opinion on these cameras. Overall, I’ve been very impressed with the 6D but the inevitable questions come up: In the first part of my Canon 6D review I shared my early thoughts and some images that I got from this camera.